The Moms of Military Prayer and Support Group (MOMS), is a group of mothers and wives (open to ALL women related to anyone serving in the military) of loved ones currently serving in the United States military. We gather to pray and support our troops and military families around the country. We support each other with hugs and prayers and share our experiences and ideas: traveling to boot camp for graduation ceremonies, or making it through our loved ones deployments. Most importantly, we support our soldiers, marines and sailors with our prayers, love and friendship as they go about the difficult task of protecting this great land. Although we began in Orange County, CA, we offer prayer and support across the U.S. Many unique and supportive friendships with other MOMS have been possible across the state;, connecting MOMS together. We hope to reach out to every Military Mom and share the experiences that bind us with one heart for our loved ones.

The MOMS stand firmly on the Word of God and in the power of prayer. We lift up our loved ones in prayer daily for their protection and safety no matter where they are serving! Unlike most support groups, we are a prayer group first! We can offer prayer, emotional support and military information, and more importantly connect you with other Military MOMS either through a local Chapter or simply through emails.